I am an insurance agent. In November, I got panic calls from clients distraught that their ACA plans doubled. Now, I'm getting even more panic calls from these same clients that instead of $171 or $232 per month, Trumpcare will cost them $431 or $624. Money they don't have.
I have a married couple, husband 61 and wife 58, with $24,982 income in 2016. When Trumpcare takes away their subsidy, they will pay $17,808 for the year for their Silver Plan off the exchange. That leaves $7,174 to live on for the whole year.Read more
The proposed ACA replacement will guarantee that a 53 year old woman making $29,321 a year like me can no longer afford health care once this is enacted.
With a subsidy, my Silver Plan is $230 per month. That is difficult for me to pay, but the $527.91 full price is impossible. Even the Bronze plan that doesn't pay for anything until I spend nearly $6,000 (that I don't have handy) is too expensive to pay the full $427.55 and then get a tax refund at the end of the year.
It isn't a choice of whether I want a fancy phone (mine is a cheap Samsung - because I can't afford a fancy American phone) or health insurance. My choice is, do I pay my rent, gas for my ready to die car and food, or give up one of those for health insurance.Read more
My fellow Americans, we pay 6.2% of every paycheck into Social Security and 2.9% to Medicare for these "entitlement." To qualify to get the Medicare we paid into, we have to contribute for a minimum of 10 years. Congress can "pay" for government health plans after they leave office, but taxpayers paid 75% of their health insurance while they were in office AND the salaries from which they paid the other 25% comes from our tax dollars. Therefore, WE the TAXPAYERS pay 100% of Congress Members benefits. And they only have to serve 5 years to qualify for THEIR ENTITLEMENTS (HALF the time that we have to pay in to collect our benefits)! Read more
This could take mountains and mountains of words and information, but for the sake of brevity, it is not covering EVERY angle. So, here we go.
For the majority of animal species, including humans, the act of sex is God's vehicle for continuing the species. To achieve that end, God made sex feel good, so we would do it. God wants us to have sex. Read more
Ima OutaSorts