The proposed ACA replacement will guarantee that a 53 year old woman making $29,321 a year like me can no longer afford health care once this is enacted.
With a subsidy, my Silver Plan is $230 per month. That is difficult for me to pay, but the $527.91 full price is impossible. Even the Bronze plan that doesn't pay for anything until I spend nearly $6,000 (that I don't have handy) is too expensive to pay the full $427.55 and then get a tax refund at the end of the year.
It isn't a choice of whether I want a fancy phone (mine is a cheap Samsung - because I can't afford a fancy American phone) or health insurance. My choice is, do I pay my rent, gas for my ready to die car and food, or give up one of those for health insurance.
Maybe I can just hope I don't develop my father's heart failure and diabetes or that the thyroid problems I inherited from my mother will disappear on their own until I find a job with benefits. Maybe I should run for office. It would be a 5 times more than I am making now and I would get an amazing taxpayer funded health plan. Sure, I'd have to pay 25%, but that comes out of the salary paid by taxpayers who can't afford their own health insurance. So, I'd be fine! #GiveUsWhatYouGet #CongressCareForAll
At least there is a bright side to the new plan... the Insurance Executives already making 100 times more than me around $2,900,000 and the top bosses making almost 400 times more than me $11,500,000 can keep their executive bonuses and corporate retreats! I don't see any mention of the 80% rule being enforced to stop them after you vote yes to hurt millions of average Americans like me in favor of thousands of already highly paid insurance and health executives like them.
I guess I can take comfort that if I want to start my journey to skin cancer quicker, at least the tanning bed I can use won't have a terribly heavy tax burden on it.
I can also take comfort in the fact that the 6.2% of my $29,321 (from 3 jobs) is going to be managed by the same guys we had to bail out of Wall Street when you privatize Social Security. But that's a topic for another day.
And on behalf of my daughter, I am so grateful that she can stay on her father's work plan until she is 26 because as a student, she could never afford a plan. Before she went away, we had a short discussion that she needs to find campus resources and Planned Parenthood if she gets raped like a girl I went to college with. God forbid her father should see birth control on his insurance overview. Though if she were a son, he would probably high five her for "tapping that!"
Really? Is this what we have come to? Overpaid executives are more important than average Americans. Show us that's what you believe. Go ahead, vote "yes" for the proposed RyanCare plan so we can start figuring out who to vote in to replace you!
Ima OutaSorts